What is the Grizzly Bar?

The Grizzly Bar is a naturally powerful combination of superfoods and supplements. It's your next meal, energy drink, and daily performance supplements. All packaged into a delicious and healthy energy bar.  

The Grizzly Bar harnesses the power of raw honey, guarana, and cordyceps mushroom in what is essentially a granola bar but is truly so much more.  

The Grizzly Bar starts with a base of raw honey, peanut butter, and rolled oats. Added to that base, amongst many other functional ingredients, is one gram of guarana powder.  Guarana is a plant native to Brazil, that has been used medicinally and as a powerful stimulant for hundreds of years. It is a powerful source of natural caffeine and also has antioxidant properties.

One gram of guarana, from our trusted sources, contains 220mg of caffeine. That's a little more than two shots of espresso and about as much as many common energy drinks. It is a lot of caffeine, don't eat this if you are sensitive to caffeine.

The raw honey, peanut butter, and oats in themselves are an incredibly effective way to get you started for the day, or get you through the second half. Try one now.



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